If you're lucky enough to be in the mountains, you are lucky enough.

When something bad happens, you have three choices: let it define you, let it destroy you, or let it strengthen you.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Tips and Dips

A friend of mine forwarded me this great article on Pool Running. Check it out. Seems like a great substitute while injured or upping the mileage, I just don't have pools around and am kind of weird in that I can't excercise if I don't sweat - never liked water either.

2 days flat!!! Can you say I am scared and nervous? Freaking out is another word? After 2 last 100's it's like: what else can possibly go wrong? I am excited too, it's a highlight of my running year, it's a meeting with friends, seeing new place, ooportunity to experience new race, it's a test and a big crazy party.

Yeah, I know, I shouldn't even be posting, so I am turning off the comments, not to worry:) I just needed to type something before I go jump my poor co-worker, he is already tired of asking when I am leaving. Dude, in 5 hrs! And I am carrying like 2 suitecases instead of one because of stupid drop bags! Well, ok, not stupid, I just have to have extra shoes and extra pack because of this whole marsh/snow section. Wonder if they have gu, then my pockets would be lighter...Rick and I are both pretty jittery, I haven't felt it in a while. I don't know if I am ready (definitely in much worse shape than last 3 years) and at this point it doesn't matter. I think I tapered well - as in "haven't done a thing". After last Friday in the Gorge I slogged through like a 6 road miles and 4 road miles, hardly moving, and went to yet another cold Bikram class. Is it enough heat training for 88F race? Just plow forward and keep positive.
More recent photos from the course posted in Sue's journal here (click Rocky Mtns, then June 11). Looks wild and awesome!

p.s. It's my sister's birthday today. The surgery is still unscheduled (yep, that's my mother country, home sweet home), and everybody's going nuts. This is last school week, and I hope Alex will have his finals done - we had a moment (or few) of relapse...something to deal with likely for a long haul with him. I am having outpatient surgery next Thursday, nothing too bad, but something to occupy my mind. Stephen is the one who is all good. Oh, no, Oleg is fine too, he is on working frenzy and re-builds the house with lots of energy, so we all running around ashamed of our little involvment:) And this is called LIFE!
A shout out to all racing this weekend - see ya at the finish line! May be that'll help:) Out, Roger...

p.p.s. one last: go read this advice