If you're lucky enough to be in the mountains, you are lucky enough.

When something bad happens, you have three choices: let it define you, let it destroy you, or let it strengthen you.

Friday, January 01, 2021

Good morning, 2021

It is January 1st, and it's time to face a new year. I know, I have been writing an overwhelming lot, but then again, I held in for a full damn year. I shouldn't have stopped. It felt stupid to commit to blogging when nobody's reading (definitely nobody's commenting, and for certain, nobody truly cares). However, one thing is unchanged: I need an outlet. It is far more engaging to have a conversation, yet it no longer exists in blogs. Heck, it no longer exists on FB or other social media - exactly because that very social media has become more of a virtue signaling and silent stocking and prove of some kind of superiority (and not in personal achievement way). Sadly, I don't have much in terms of conversation in Colorado in person. As much as I love (LOVE) living here, the friends are not easy to materialize when we get older - that was confirmed even in 10 years living in Austin. Speaking of Austin, only a year and half out, and only 2 people are still occasionally send a holiday text, for the rest we seem to have disappeared as never existed, despite my reaching out. It (friendships) lasted somewhat longer after leaving Portland. What brings me back with getting older, and having more difficult time acquiring new friends. Not to mention damn social distance during last "pandemic" and "everything shut down" state of affairs, try to meet people. Unless, of course, they are your neighbors and coworkers - who thankfully all turned out to be awesome folks, and we're forever grateful.

Where was I? I need a conversation, and while talking inside my head happens a lot (far more than I am willing to admit), and talking with Larry is a fantastic way to share feelings and information, sometimes I need more outlets. Back to blogging and journaling is. I promise it'll slow down, as the flood of last year's recap had mostly come to an end - and what wasn't mentioned probably doesn't need to be.

We did a thing this morning, and we did it together. We got up on Incline as our opening morning of 2021. I am inspired by both of us big time. It seemed like a good idea to me to kick in a year, so I registered, then texted Larry from work: what do you think? He totally stunned me by saying: sure. I quickly grabbed an opportunity and signed him a spot. As a Russian, I carry my share of superstitions, and meeting sunrise of a New Dawn together, on a landmark that means so much to me, is an absolutely positive sign of the year to come. Some people kiss under a Mistletoe. Us - under the last Moon of 2020, on top of Incline.

This Incline #1 started my resolution list. Which I technically wrote on 2 pages once we got home. As always, most of the items on the list have something to do with athletic endeavors, yet those pages also contain a number of things I want to do for bettering myself as a human, as a person with a brain, and absolutely as a wife and a friend. 

So, here's to 2021. The bar was set last year pretty high for myself (even if pretty low for the World as a whole, it seems), so I am looking forward having some break-through's, while being exactly who I am.

As a side note, tomorrow my blog turns 15 years. No shit, I wrote 735 posts! The beginning was rough and ugly (I actually read some back log), but with time, it gained speed and meaning and audience, and my ability to express myself through writing about running got better. At least in my bias view. Who knows, I might put another bunch of posts here, it's like an ultramarathon, one step at a time, one foot in front of another, one thought in a post. 


bryankrouse said...

I've been reading all your posts and enjoying them.

bryankrouse said...

I agree, as we get older (I'm 52), it get so difficult to make friends. It feel as if I don't continue to reach out to old fiends, the communication stops. Keep blogging.

Lilly said...

I am reading too, whenever time permits! I am a reader from the Midwest and love the Colorado stories and the running and fitness inspiration.