
Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Trying for a come-back

Come-back, yes, that's the thing. In a number of different ways. So here I go.

A comeback to blogging. I want to give it another shot. Even if just for myself.

A comeback to running. This year had been the best in the last 7 years, so why not dream big.

A comeback to racing. Yes, push the fear, the boundaries, the goals.

A comeback to living. Living as in moving forward, living full speed, with intention.

A comeback to journaling. To putting my feelings on the paper, processing, letting go.

A comeback from depression. Enough of allowing it overwhelm. Surrender what I can't control. Claw out of the darkness that I can shed a light on.

2020 has been quite a year. It's been a political scene mess in this country, what with the election and division, and top this off with fucked up pandemic we shouldn't react the way the world's been quite a year as we, in our recent generation, haven't seen yet. It might get worse before it gets better. Where did I hear it before? Or, yeah, the 100 mile racing...But if running 100 milers taught me anything, is that it is possible to overcome. It is possible things turn around for you. Never give up things you can put your mind into. For even among the deepest darkest clouds in the sky the sun rises So, 2021, we shall see what you are, but I am going to fight for my well being against all odds.

One step at a time.

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