
Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Blogging come-back

Well, I wrote those promises, and life's just been crazy busy. When did I used to blog? But if anything to start with of those items on the list, blogging got to be first, because, you know, it's a blog after all.

First thing first: getting back to an old name of it! While reading and knitting is all and going, this blog had began as a running site, and I intent to run - so no more "Run, Read, Knit", and YES to "Run more, talk less"! Thankfully, my domain never changed, so there!

I always said Social Media killed blogging. With that, the long winded musings got replaced with short status updates, and the race after comments and likes had spiraled out of control. Over the years I deactivated my FB numerous times, from a few days to a few months. It always helped with refocus on what really matters, and actually curbs depression which rears its head one the addiction to "likes" gets overwhelming (and the lack of which causes all kinds of sad thoughts about myself). 

On top of it, social media these days in general, and especially in this year of election and "pandemic", has become a virtue signaling at its worst. If you're not with us, you're against us! If you don't post on those topics and stick to regular life, you're inhumane, racist, grandma killer, and an asshole! Wow, the name calling...

Plus, the more I learn about regulations of social media like FB and IG and Twitter, the more appalled I am. Yes, those companies are free to do as they wish, but somehow it all reminds me all too close Soviet Era, especially 1936-1943. Want to Google it? Oh, yeah, Google is on the same side...and I know, I know, Russia had it all wrong, we'll do it better, and it's not like that...aha, whatever.

Alas, I am not here for social justice or political observations and expressing opinions on those. Not now, anyway, and I hope to stay away from it. As I put into words to my patients who are too nosy and asking personal views on dangerous topics, my very deep believe is that we as each individual can and should care about the closest things we can (even remotely) have control of. Our own actions. Our families. Our neighbors. Our local community. Then goes city, and later state we live in (in a way of voting or using local businesses or picking up trash from the streets or trails). Other than that, step away from yelling loud proclamations, and bring all that energy back onto those you love.

Anyway, I had deactivated, yet again, my FB and IG, and completely killed Twitter and Linkedin, sometime last week of October. It's been awesome.

So, blogging. I am going to give it an honest shot, and to begin with, will go over those check-marks I outlined in the first post of the year. Well, first, if you don't count my Collegiate peaks loop hike.

Here's to what I CAN control. Sitting down and typing my thoughts. It's a new day, it's a new dawn, it's a new life. 

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