First of all, since I forgot it in last post, which veered off God knows where under "the influence", I need to shout out for Drymax socks. You know I am brutally honest, and I don't sing-along just because. I had liked Drymax socks ever since I got my first pair (and then many more, and a whole box to distribute), but I was afraid to praise it fully, not because I didn't believe in these socks in general, but I wasn't sure about my own feet. See, I get blisters on the balls of my feet, under calluses, when I walk, not as much when I run, and that's why I only get them in distances over 50M, usually, because this is where I walk the most. So, as soon as I took my first walk break at mile 10, I noticed hot spots right where they usually are. Running was feeling fine, walking wasn't. When my pain developed, I faced a dilemma: running hurts my hip, walking hurts my feet. That's not to mention all those little gravel rocks that sharply dug into my feet. Somewhere on my second walk-along (mile 33 and on) my feet stopped hurting. Just like that. I walked a bunch. And never felt a boo. When I took my socks off - I had no blisters, not even a hot spot. And my feet felt perfectly fine. This is new to me. And this is an ecstatic news.
And now to our regular broadcasting - sharing in the fun!
You're allowing comments again! I liked the rambling digression of your last post; it's how my mind works in a long run.
As usual, you take great pics ! I have to agree on Drymax Socks. My feet have not been the same since they've gone exclusively Drymax...they are much, much happier !
Your last post got me thinking seriously about my own life as runner. Great pics. Glad you had a good time with friends as evidenced by the photos.
Great pictures, Olga. It was so very nice to see you. You are such a joyful spirit to be around. I'm glad you made the smart decision to save yourself for your tough upcoming goals. Hope you don't mind if I post your pre-race foot taping picture too. I'll be sure to credit you if I do. :)
Thnks for sharing, Olga. Your experience with the loop run sounds like my experience with the SF One Day- 12 hours on a flat loop was way more painful than any hilly run! You did amazing considering.
I still have hip issues sometimes similar to what you describe, and sympathize with the aching in the night. I've had to resort to NSAIDS some nights to sleep, which is odd considering it might not even hurt while running or going through the day. Hope it clears up soon.
Your 80 mi/wk low key running sounds like it is very beneficial for both body and soul. It's good to just be, and be happy as you are.
Olga, you wrote, "...ever since I got my first pair, [] I was afraid to praise it fully..."
Glad you are still blogging, but you're not fooling anyone with your claim that you got a pair.
Hey ... you're back online! Cool. I loved your previous post - except that it shouldn't have been called insanity, because it made perfect sense to me. Which means that I might be just as insane as you.
Happy trails to you, Olga - whether running, racing, or just finding yourself.
Congrats on giving a "new" to you race a try! You are a better woman than I! The thought of going round and round...ouch. Great mental training day :) Have a good rest, and hope to see you soon!
You look fabulous! Your happiness is contageous. I'm glad you've allowed me to tell you this :p :-)
Happy u opened the comments(if even for a little bit) but I appreciate hearing your honest thoughts on training/running...and fitting it all into life...u continue to inspire us flatlanders!!!!!!!!!
And no you will not be impolite if you do not respond. I know you are busy, busy busy!
Good to see you of course at Pac Rim. Was a fun time. Are you rumbling? I got major leg pain..so I probably wont do it but Gail is.
Hey! I just found the comments on again! Good to see you at PacRim - you looked strong all day. Just as steady as can be - you and Lisa. Hope to see you again before you move.
It was wonderful to see you. Did you notice our eyes are the same color in our picture. We must be related somewhere in our past lineage. I'm glad you have found more of the happiness and joy you deserve in life.
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