Back to normal life. I had managed to have some dip in a mood after having so much fun in Sand Francisco, and with parking ticket and a fact I will have to deal with getting to/from work under my own power it kind of dragged a bit. But as usual, everything settled in before I knew it. I now park just a little over 3 miles away and then run on a bike path in a pretty shady stretch for the most part. It was all good on Wed, but on Thursday Portland hit 100F. While it might be not bad for some of you out there, I am totally heat-unprepared, and I don't fare heat well at all even if I am (relatively speaking, I am never heat trained, I avoid running and wlaking in the high of the day at all costs). So as I approached the car at 5pm yesterday, I discovered 1 blister and 2 "hot spots" on my feet - dehydration, thick socks and road shoes combination, I would guess. Very timely!
Between that and the predicted temperatures for Waldo at 105F it should be fun. I packed this morning all of 10 minutes, simply moving my running attire from laundry (dryer) to a grocery bag, and adding a packet filled with gels I didn't use at Headlands. As far as I remember Waldo serves gels at the aid stations.
Oh, and I took out of box new Cascadia's shoes and trying to "break them in". Yeah, I know...but I dumped all the shoes I had worn out before and I liked for races. This pair is lime green! Flashy!

So, me and my pace chart...I did one, yes. Somehow I ended up with time Mike promises I am capable to run, but with the heat wave and my sluggish month of 35 miles per week I think it'd be a stretch. How about we're going for a finish? Works for me! I actually really like to jump into a race not thouroughly prepared, it rids me of anxiety. The important thing is to NOT get lost. Last year some idiots removed (and re-routed) marking on 2 major intersection, and almost half of the field was left wondering around (including practically all lead pack). May be I should read the course description? Nuh, I got no time at this point:)
Did you see the field for Waldo this year? Been National Championship 100k, it attracted all "who is who" in the country! I am psyched, just too bad I am not volunteering and can't see the development. Karl is on the AT, so there will be no bets on the placing, bummer. It's like WS100 in shorter version, really!
I went to take a yoga class this week - it was awesome! It's been 3 months since the last time, and I haven't lost that much, although I was really achy after it. The instructor was great. It's true when they say: it's not so much about the studio (or community center in my case) as it is about who is teaching. I'll make sure to make it a priority.
With this Friday Stephen's summer camp is over. He'll have to suck it up and stay home for a week, and then the following week we'll be off to Teton races. Should be another blast of a weekend! I also had emailed Alex, and he responded (he always does, actually). So, all in all, life is good. This summer flew at the speed of sister says the same. Are we getting older, or do we have more fun as we grow up?
To all running Leadville and Waldo this weekend - best of luck. I am off to work - and on the ROAD TRIP AGAIN!

Have a great time at Waldo!
The forecast for up at Waldo is "only" 90! Woo hoo! My goal is just to survive and finish. :-)
I feel for you regarding the heat. It can't be fun for everyone up in the PNW. Even though I won't get to see it, I suggest you expose as much skin as possible this weekend during Waldo to keep cool. :) Say "hi" to BW for me. And, most importantly smile, give out lots of hugs, and have a whole bunch of fun!!! S
Have a great weekend and a great race Olga. I was going to work through the "love" posts this weekend. It's been one of those weeks. Now that I have time to work through them they are gone. :(
Have fun!
I know I will. I just hope our fun includes finishes, too!
And she's off! : ) I think in this heat you need to go for the Wet Waldo award.
Congrats Olga on a great finish at Waldo! I'm very happy for you! :)She's tired, but in great spirits. Can't wait to read about the whole story.
road trip, woo hoo! hope you are having fun :)
i miss yoga...
It was a great warm Waldo with all the challenges heat brings but we made it to the finish and had some chat time. What more can life provide.
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