OK, OK, in short, calm down...26:50, 3rd female, 28th overall, 1st AG, no crew, no pacer, no shoe change, no music, 2 drop bags, real food, lotsa friends, just as many pictures, practically even splits, awesome night, beautiful sunrise, horrific blisters (and I thought BH100 in 2007 and WS100 in 2006 were bad), ankle tendinitis, mild heat exhaustion at the finish, majestic views, more friends, fantastic times...enough for now to feed your appetite? :)
Gotta work, truly, I wish I could blog!!! Need a breather between the weekends this summer, don't you think? May be take a vacation from vacation?
Enjoy the pictures and results for now and come back tomorrow!
Great run. thanks for the blog, now go to work
Seriously NO music :-) wow that only would have knocked me out! this brother need some tunes (smile)
Congrats Olga and way to kick some "Big Horn" Booty...can't wait to read the rest of the story & check out some pics.
You Rock!!
Congratulations, Olga! Way to rock on down the trail. 3rd woman-some frosting for the cake :) Love the pictures, thanks for sharing. Yes, you need a vacation from the vacation! Who knew having fun could be such hard work!!
great job. congrats!!
wow, you are a rock star. I am so impressed. Congrats!
Great job !! Congrats, Olga !!
congrats olga. very good. great pics
Awesome! Congrats, Olga!
Congrats, again, Olga! Did they let you carry that big rock on the plane or did you have to check it? ;)
We are that eager. I knew you'd be in high demand come this morning.
Thanks for supplying the short post to hold us over until tomorrow. Can't wait to hear the details. Sounds like you had a great run. Sorry about the blisters.
You rock, Girlie!! Way to kick some fanny, nanny! I am looking forward to hearing your report. I hope to see you on Saturday!
Excellent run, great pictures, it's wonderful to see you smiling a lot.
Worse blisters than WS100 2006 and worse than last year's Bighorn?! I can't imagine. Did you get pictures of that:)
Fantastic, Olga! Wow, there's no way I'll be able to keep up with you beyond 50M. You're amazing!
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