If you're lucky enough to be in the mountains, you are lucky enough.

When something bad happens, you have three choices: let it define you, let it destroy you, or let it strengthen you.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Talking with my son.

Alex is one on the back (a bit to the left, smiling!!!)

This would be a short entry as I plan to write LONG on another, more running related issue, today. But - it's been 60 days since he is in a boarding school, and today was our first phone conversation (rules). He sounds so mature!! No matter how much we were waiting for this morning and how we were trying to prepare, all of us kind of got lost in words:) We talked about his health (much better after bronchitis), his daily routine, his new friends (better than old once!), how is school, that we'd like him to take on more credits than regular assignment (he is a smart kid and gets done fast, using extra time for sitting around and sometimes reading). He began to open up in the group sessions, get involved in team playing. He complained on been hungry and got permition to have extra PBJ:) Alex also asked us to allow and support him to go to Wilderness program (an extra curriculum in school, where 9 kids and 3 adults go basically backpacking and leaving in the woods for 3 weeks, learning survival skills and realizing potentials), what costs triple on top of regular school tuition (what is already insane) - but who's counting? If it helps, and that's what he wants - be it. We can't take money to grave, and we've always been people who live "here and now", not "once we retire". We usually joke, with our hobbies we are not even sure if we make it to retirement:) So that's set. One of us (Oleg in this case) has to go through a special seminar in San Jose to gain a permission to see Alex when he reaches a certain status. It was great to hear his voice! He is not mad and understands why he is there. He still misses his friends and has memories of what they did together, but says he is through with drugs. I think he misses his cat the most, what now is Stephen's cat. And he doesn't want to move out of the house, even though he realises he won't go to the same school when he is back. All in all it was a chocking feeling, but very good. He is grown, and it's only been 2 months. I can't wait to see him!


Rick Gaston said...

Good news!

Anne said...

This is wonderful to hear, especially as a fellow mom of teenagers who now how easily it is for our children to stray.

Anne said...

that should say "who knows how easily it is for our children to stray." My bad.

Lora said...

From another Mom who had trouble with her teenage kids---> YAY!! AND HE"S SMILING!!!

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe it has been two months, of course I am sure you can. He looks happy. It must have been great to talk to him.

Backofpack said...

Olga, that must have been wonderful. I'm glad he's sounding better.

onepinkfuzzy said...

Olga, that is soooooooo awesome!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that things are going well for you and Alex. It must feel good to know that the hard decisions you and Oleg had to make are bearing fruit.

Unknown said...

Keto charge plus Watch those portions - especially when you are eating out. Eat half the meal and take the rest home in a take out box. At home, use smaller plates - a great way to make sure you don't serve too much, but your plate will still look nice and full.

Endy Mist said...

Slimlinic Keto down, keeping a note of your targets, changes in weight and achievements to help you keep on track. Whilst you may not see any immediate changes, stick with it. Don't let any weight gain put you off, and instead look at your program and see if anything needs to change, such as increasing

Unknown said...

Green Vibe Keto In order to lose weight you your you to overcompensate later in the day and snack more. Increasing activity levels can be done easily for example trying to do 20 minutes of walking a day, such as walking short journeys than using the car. By finding something that you enjoy you are more likely to stick to it.

Endy Mist said...

Keto mode reviews form of physical activity must be included in a healthy lifestyle. Not only does it help you lose weight, but it will help you maintain the weight loss. Of course, the health benefits are a big factor - even if you're thin, exercise is good for you. You will find that the usual recommendation

Unknown said...

Provitalize Also make sure you are eating good fats, such as olive or safflower oil. Your body needs a certain amount of the good fats. Make sure that you read your labels and stay away from foods that have trans-fats. Trans-fats are extremely bad for you.

Endy Mist said...

Keto Infinite Accel your activity level in order to lose weight. When reducing your calorie intake, it is essential that you make changes that you are likely to stick to as crash diets may lead to 'yo-yo' dieting. Eating around 300-500 calories less per week will lead to a weight loss of 1-2lbs a week, while it is not