
Wednesday, January 26, 2022

New year, no time

I feel like I have to write something, but truly, I am having way too much fun living fully, and occupy my time with so much good stuff in my life, that blog got pushed behind in priorities. And really, nobody's life gets affected whether or not I scribble anything here. Though I do have cute racing photos, a rarity for me (I actually purchased them), so for that reason only I need to blurb the summary.

The day before New Year Larry and I came down with you-know-what-but-we-don't-name-it. Frankly, cold is cold. Body aches, headache, fatigue, Suddenly coffee taste sucked, and I am big on coffee - yet I had to give it up for a full week, which speaks volume. The aches were gone in 2 days, but fatigue was definitely concerning, considering I just put 4 weeks of solid training for a race, a real block (however short). For a week my resting HR was at 60, and the runs were slogs - though I did do short "bursts" in place of the speedwork (doubling over after each of those 1 minute intervals). The life itself hasn't changed, work, gym, whatever - just running, the effort was not translating into paces. At the end of the week one of January, we went skiing on a gorgeous day, and my body settled back into normal. Hooray! We did good amount of black runs, this time mostly groomed, and enjoyed the sunshine.

Next week I was as good as new. Go figure (cold, your know, and I managed not to even cough once). On Thursday by lunch time Annie shoed up, we loaded up on Russian borsch, and road-tripped to a race weekend in warm Arizona, that thing we cooked up while she joined me on my 12th Pikes Peak. That was exactly 6 weeks before, so we had 4 weeks to train, 2 weeks to taper (or get over being sick), and off to Aravaipa events in Phoenix! Despite the (huge) age gap, we had an unbelievable fun together. This girl makes me feel younger and more excited than I should at the ripe age of 52, and I (hopefully) share some wisdom with her, though I have to say, the fact that we enjoy each other's company so much speaks volume of her being very wise for her 23. And in general, we happen to have very similar values, she wants to learn, I feel the need to share all I know, and it's a perfect match. 

So, without much details, we nailed our respective races as much as a month of prep can - and exactly where we thought we'd land with Coldwater Rumble events. I did a 55km (33 mile on my watch) in 6:36 (plan for 6:30), and, as per usual, passed enough people on the second loop to keep me motivated and entertained, even held back a young girl I caught at the last station, and put 2 min on her, by the finish line. No falls, no cramps, a little weakness in the legs after mile 25 - duh, not enough long runs, and that fatigue didn't help. At the end, I walked to the timing folks, and learned I was 4th F, 18th OA. Would have been nice to podium, but, we can only control our own outcome, not others'. I was happy. Snapped a couple of photos, and got to my real job. Because the main reason was to crew for Anne in a 100 mile version of it, to get her to the win, and a CR. I saw her going for her 3rd loop as I was finishing my race, and my job was to keep her moving well at mile 60 and 80 and then bring her "home" at the end. Which went without a glitch- we're a great team, indeed, I know my shit, she trusts me limitlessly, and the whole thing goes smoothly. She got her 1st (4th OA) in 18:47 - she was not quite potentially making 19 hrs, the goal #3 on the list, when I told her she needs to beat my best time. Well, she rallied so well!!! (though, shh, I still have a minute faster PR at a 100:)). I packed her up, helped with the4 shower, and after a couple of hours laying in bed in a hotel, drove her 12 hrs back to Colorado Springs, to eat Russian Pelmeni as a celebration!

This trip was so productive on so many levels, we made a number of other pacts and things and whatever, and this year is turning to be so much busier, that this blog may just be photo-sharing device. Not to mention, my IG presence is sort of taking away from long rants. I succumbed to posting a pic with 2 sentences, guilty as charged. But, life is what it is. I am back to full load training (the recovery was quick and fantastic, by Friday I ran my fastest tempo, at 10 miles no less!), increased weights load, added new exercises, uploaded a bunch of schedules to keep myself accountable and working even harder, and keep charging forward. All the while mulling on all the things that suddenly got added on my calendar:)

p.s. the day Annie left our house after the trip, she learned that she got nominated Ultrarunner #3 of the year 2021!! Well earned!
And today I made that same magazine's IG with my photo from September's race. What can I say, I love to Superman...not! Good thing my mother and sister have no access to all this.

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