
Friday, December 10, 2021

December is on fire!

Whoa, these first couple of weeks in December were crazy! First of all, I decided - and made it known to my supervisor - that I need to cut a few (3 so far) hours of hands-on off my work schedule. The good news is, we're hiring another therapist with that (he's starting in January,

basically because I am fully booked into first week of New year), the bad news is, once it was heard by some of more committed patients, I got swamped. Had to actually add a few hours each week, but it'll only be until Christmas break - because, Lord, I need break from it all! (As for the photo, this is our one only under-50 gal in the office, she's a daughter of the chiropractor who's working afternoons at the desk, and we happened to wear similar sweaters I knitted last year. Speaking of the office people, the addition of a young-ish male to our menopausal 4-ladies clan is a bit odd to me, but I don't really have to deal with it, as having only one massage room means we'll be switching shifts, not working side by side. I kind of like the atmosphere of "hot flashes and crappy lives' experiences"😂 )

Secondly, when Annie was here for Thanksgiving, she really expressed a want to share my last Pikes Peak for the year. While I generally go up that thing alone (sans visits of my friends Pam Smith and Theresa Schut), I couldn't turn the girl down. There was some hesitancy on my part for she's a rising young ultra star, speedy and all, but it was completely for nothing. Annie came the evening prior, and the conversations were flowing non-stop into 10 pm (so much for getting sleep the night before).

The alarm went off at 3:45, and we were at the Barr trailhead by 4:30 am. And so the number 12 of 2021, one for each calendar month, has began.

I tried to offer Annie to go ahead, but it wasn't necessary, she could totally run faster, but I am a pretty darn good hiker, plus we chatted quite a lot, even on the way up - technically not my usual, but this girls is truly a wonderful gem, just so curious and interesting herself, and it was simply nice. The horizon lit up red, and we both admitted - we're suckers for the sunrises. This is why I will always rather go to bed way before 9 pm, so I can be up and out by 5:30 am. Any day, every time. Pure Higher Power presence - something we, too, talked about.

We passed by the Barr camp without stopping, as the grey light was getting stronger, and eventually the sun lit up the sky. Above the tree line, it was gorgeous - 25F, sunshine, and barely any wind. Probably the best winter condition I ever had this past year, and the trail was basically in nearly-summer shape: some ice patches and a little packed snow, but nothing to content with, no spikes, just a tiny slowing down. Which was good, because, yet again, we talked non-stop by then, as if we were finally awake and sharing all the deepest thoughts and insecurities and questions.
And just like that, a goal for the whole year, something I was completely not set on, not even in my personal writing, the one I was more curious about then set firm, had been completed - thanks Alex Nichols (who had his 50th consecutive this month). I wasn't sure what exactly I felt at the top, relief, elation, pride, and God, was it nice to share this accomplishment with someone I respect!

Of course Annie, as someone who had completed ALL of Colorado 14-ers (some numerous times) and traverses, had seen Pikes Peak twice already, but not after the new Cograil and Summit House were built, so we made our way to the official new monument - the only windy spot all day.
We took our time over those icy stretches on the way down, using it for more talking, and stopped at the Barr camp with a little inside tour - Annie never actually visited the cabin. From there on, we totally booked the downhill, dancing and playing at full speed all the way to the end, and that was truly fun!
There's, of course, no goodbye to my beloved Pikes Peak summits, but at this point, I am certain I will not continue the streak. As awesome as it was, challenging, gorgeous, committing, now that I feel some base under me, I'd like to add a more proper ultra-training for the year to come. Pikes Peak will be there for me, most likely once we're half-way into the Spring, even though I already feel that I will miss it dearly, and the familiarity with the difficult day at hand at the beginning of each month.

We quickly stopped by Russian Orthodox church on the way home, consumed a full pizza shared with Larry, and some serious strong coffee, before the girl was on her way home. As soon as she arrived, we hatched a plan for January...and that shall be discussed later:)
As I mentioned above, and in my previous post, I am gun-ho at the quality workouts. I think it's been 4 full weeks of it, and the intervals I did the week after Pikes Peak blew my brains, never did I think I could pull it off, again. It was hard, don't take me wrong, and it was slower than it used to be, but still, the effort, and the paces, and the pure number of quality miles, it's nice...and a little fearful for the possibility of losing it, still. By now I know just how fleeting it could be. I am trying my hardest to do all the right things around it, as I build up towards season of 2022, yet my left hamstring, along with my right knee, are wining a bit. After this week's 2 profound sessions (in a bitter cold and wind, may I add), I went back to another Year 2021 goal - Incline...

Yet again, this was not something I absolutely was certain I could get done, but had it in pencil - 52 Incline ascends, 52 for the number of weeks in a year (not necessarily done weekly though), and the number aligns nicely to 52 years I had made it around the Earth. I did my number 51 4 weeks ago, I think, just before starting the quality speed stuff, and I specifically left this last one for December, last month - and also for a specific date of December 9th. My boys' birthdays. Yes, I gave birth on the same day to my sons, 5 years apart. That day, Alex turned 31, and Stephen - 26. I am a mother of two mature individuals, and being their mom is nothing short of the most difficult challenge one can ever wish for a parent - yet it is also profound and taught me the most in life.

And with that, Incline #52 was done under the starry calm sky, to celebrate, because no matter what, the love I have for them will NEVER be challenged by anything that happens, and will be calm, lead by the North Star, forever. No more Inclines to have on my calendar, and with Pikes Peak, it'll be sparsely available for me at will, but I will not have a streaking ideas for the following year ahead.
There were other events keeping us busy this week. On Monday we attended the Grand Opening of Aravaipa Running company (which is mainly in Phoenix, AZ) in our own COS. Seeing Jamil for the first time in about 10 years was fun, as was hanging out with a few folks we knew and love, and a few new ones to us. There will be more races here, hooray!
Friday I officially launched my beginning of long runs (I know, Pikes Peak is in its own category, never counts), and I survived, back with lots of vert and my favorite trails.

Tonight we're attending a local Mountain store for the movie presentation, Saturday is a holiday dinner party at my boss' house, and on Sunday Larry's parents are coming to visit. There have been lots of emails with race directors, setting up races, volunteering, fun times, and it feels like we're finally settling in to the local community. This is what we are, and it's good to be back. Bring on 2022! 

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