
Monday, March 06, 2017

Two books

In February I had gone through a few books, two of which made an impression on me, and I could see them as being far apart or one of the same. Philosophical point:) I won't be putting my thoughts, but I snapped some pages/passages that made me stop for a bit and think more than simply reading, sort of "aha" but not quite, just slowed me down enough to want to discuss it with somebody, yet I figured without reading the full book(s) it's useless. There is no flow in passages, so I put them here for myself and future "slowing down".

In line with both books, a few random add-on's:

Here is a link to the video of a PCT section I plan as my July foray - it was taken in year 2011, the last highest snow year on PCT, when snow pack was at 190% I believe. Considering it (snow level) is already far surpassed this year and the snow falls are not over yet, it'd be interesting...dangerous...super-challenging and potentially disappointing in terms of completion. After a couple of weeks of hesitation, arguing, defending, wrapping my mind, researching (by Larry, who is best at it) and purchasing microspikes and ice axe and still being fully aware not only my kindly proposed 25 miles a day (5 miles less than last year's average) has to drop drastically (thus in a miracle scenario putting me at Tuolumne meadow instead of Red's), but I need a back-up plan of cutting it off, retrieving safely and doing some random around hiking for a few days while waiting for Larry and Harrison. p.s. Just so you know, I am praying for that Global Warming everybody claim to be happening. Bring it!

And I went on a quick visit to my beloved Portland, OR. It was a spur of the moment ticket purchase a month or so ago, and I am glad I did. While miracles didn't happen (nor were they expected), it was actually exactly what I needed - and hopefully not just I. Spending time with my boys is always precious, seeing my adoptive family, and a visit to My Church, The Columbia River Gorge, can not be understated. My soul is full when I am in the mountains, and my face lights up, regardless of conditions. For 5 years Gorge was what kept me alive, physically, mentally and emotionally. I don' know where this was my last trip there or not, but it has my heart forever. (and I got to practice my snowpack hiking a bit).

It is week 2 of Russian Orthodox Lent, lasting all of 7 weeks, into April 16th. I gave up a number of things, most of note is knitting - as a part of my identity, I am trying to see where it stands on its own, and to let go myself for a period, knowing how devastating it was when running, my other identity, was taken away from me without asking. My hands are definitely itching, and the time seems to go much slower, but it is a good time to reevaluate life and find what else may spark joy in me - and also read more, train for that summer more, and give a go at "abs (and ass) are made in the kitchen" idea. No FB-ing either, and that is always a great thing.

1 comment:

Thomas Bussiere said...

I read a few of the passages: made me pause for a minute also. The one that stuck in my head was change the way you experience it. Although a repeat event, the journey will be different. Too what extent is up to us.
Good stuff.

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