
Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Little tidbits.

Well, we fired out bathroom contractors. After a week of close supervision and finding mistake after mistake, pointing, getting common sense and knowledge prevail, having them fix things, waiting on their 2-hrs lunches, and then making major - no, not mistakes, huge mishaps that would ruin the bathroom after it's all done - we've had enough. So much for professionalism, integrity and work ethic. May be this is a thing of the past and we're asking too much? Back to the drawing board (and no bathroom) for some months to come...

My Massage Envy clientele of return people is growing exponentially, every time I happen to have a cancellation and a window and get a new client, he/she returns...which is fantastic, wonderful, and makes me feel all cozy (and proves my calling), but at the same time my hours at said Massage Envy do not grow (there is only that much time a person has in a week on top of a full-time job and 2-hr commute each day). What means those very customers of mine, whom I all love, can't get to see me often enough as they want to. The potential of some of them eventually dropping me as their only therapist exists, as folks sometime have to wait 5-6 weeks to get an appointment (and yes, I am booked that far out). Speaking about professionalism and integrity and work ethic...

Sometimes I get so overwhelmed of how much I have to squeeze into a week, I have tears. Usually it happens on Monday, when I realize the weekend (was there a weekend?) had passed, and I am back to repeat the cycle of "real" work and all the other things. Yeah, I train twice a day too...

Speaking of training, I mentioned it to my dad (who was surprised since I "promised"? him not to race, but had to explain being fit is not going to stop being my priority regardless of long racing) - and he was like: "In healthy and fit body there is a healthy and fit soul!". The Soviet Era propaganda echoed, and I have to agree with it (even if he spends his days on the couch for the last 10 years).

And, training-related, I mentioned I signed up for a Metabolic(?) Bootcamp at Pure Austin gym, that very fancy and expensive gym I am a part of now. Well, let me just tell you, even at a fancy gym, a Bootcamp is just not hard enough for a person who had been working out at a serious level for a couple of decades, even after 4 months of complete ill lay off. While anything will make you feel the burn if you do it 2.5 minutes straight (that's their designed intervals of exercising same muscle group, then 1 minute rest, then next 2.5 minutes) - it does not leave me sore, nor do I feel challenged. By 3rd day the instructor began giving me an extra sandbag to carry when squatting, lunging, whatever...And I paid extra for this class. I usually run in the morning, then come to the gym, workout on cardio machines for an hour to "warm up", and after the Met Camp consider that I am ready for a workout now, like, I seriously long for something, but it's finally time to go home:) One more week, and I am on my own. The good thing, it showed me I've drastically improved since mid-January come-back to the gym, and put me on solid twice-a-day routine. I'll be doing it on my own now.

Speaking of my own, my routines are getting better, stronger, with a lot of said "metabolic" (or, what I call Plyometrics, or keeping your heart rate high) add-ons. I am thoroughly enjoying my weight lifting and all the various high intensity jumps, and my dumbbells/barbells/racks are almost fully back to where I left them.

But, despite all that, and a very mindful eating (yet not Whole30-restrictive), my scale is stuck. I am trying hard not to get discouraged, as I am not ready to plunge into some dieting, nor am I capable of any sort of hard track/hill interval sessions (which seem to be helpful).

Went to my friends birthday bash. Even danced some!

Just as I read and posted on my FB this article, stating that getting back in shape after a long (very long) break takes twice the time you were on a said break, and I was making peace with not seeing good running until mid-summer (when it'll be hot and humid and I won't be running anyway, so make it mid-Fall), I suddenly had 2 (two) great runs in a row. Saturday I ran 14 miles on roads, and the first 4 were the slowest (while still sub-11! I know, how exciting), and then I kept accelerating and holding and accelerating and holding...Them were some mid-9's in there! I was thrilled. And then this morning, already with humidity coming back, I ran the 6M Great Hills loop on 58:57 - making it average of sub-10 for my most difficult route (and taking full 5 minutes off the last time I had here a "good post-ill run"). It's the little things...

As far as summer (and humidity) coming to Austin, there are two things we have to confirm it: the state flower Bluebonnets spread their color all over the sides of the highways, and a naked guy riding his bicycle on Shoal creek, the route I take when I walk/run or even drive back from work at 4 pm (to avoid highway traffic, and because it is a pretty road with wide shoulders for walkers and bikers and fewer cars and neat houses lined up, and most importantly, it's shaded). So, yeah, this 60-something years old skinny dude in a purple jog-strap is back. How exciting!

Speaking of naked people, apparently, in our family it's a trait. Larry did his trail route on Saturday and ran into a naked 20 year old girl being photographed (semi-professionally) by the creek with a waterfall. Totally but-naked. I think he won this one, as I bet the girl was prettier to look at than Austin naked biking fool. (And no, none of it is April's Fool writing).

Past weekend two inspirational things happen. My Texas friend John Sharp decided to go Independence Texas Relay 200 mile  SOLO, and he did just that. While the thought of running roads, in Texas, for 200 miles, flat, no views, in the already developing heat and humidity, sounds repulsive to me, I totally admire his accomplishment. He has been training and racing really well, this weird guy and friend of mine, quirky as he is, he gave his word, and he kept it. Well deserved accolades. Another being Jared Campbell from Salt Lake City (we stayed with him and his wife last summer, they now have a beautiful baby-girl). This guy is a mountain climber, multiple Hardock 100 finisher and of other crazy things (solo and as races). Nicest guy you can ever meet. Well, he finished Barkley marathons (Google that one if you never heard), and while I am not ever going to try this "race" (I will be lost within 8 miles just like the original prisoner in the story), the fact that Jared had done it twice (the full 100, and once the Fun Run of 60 miles) leaves me speechless. And he looked fresh - and clean - as a daisy like he is about to keep on going for another stroll (loop?). Inspiring stuff!

With this "inspirational" stuff, I'll let you watch yet another cool video I dug out (many are out there, I know), the gist of which is: dreams may be difficult. high and seem unattainable, but put the hard work in, the daily grind, the boring ugly "same thing over and over again", and you will get to them, those dreams. I promise. And keep on dreaming!

One more video on Barkley and Jared below.


ultrarunnergirl said...

Glad to hear you had a couple of good runs. Keep up the good work (and rest)! You will get there.

Been smiling all week thinking of you seeing the guy in the thong on the bike.

Fawn Simpson said...

I've seen that naked guy on the bike before. It was not enjoyable. I'm glad to hear you are doing so well. I wish I could work out twice a day. Someday when the kids are gone I guess. Or at least when they can drive themselves.

Anonymous said...

I've been reading your blog for a year or so and want to say how much I enjoy your honesty and your humour. It would be awesome if you could cut back on your day job and do more massage and coaching. Anyway thanks for writing.
Tracy Zhu

Sarah said...

Ugh, sorry about the bathroom.

You were born to be a healer! I'm not surprised you have a loyal massage clientele.

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