
Tuesday, February 04, 2014

You can't get away from your ultrarunning family!

Because, you know, it's a FAMILY! And no matter how hard you try and how much you do other things, every time you go visit your family, you feel, well, at home!

That's how my Rocky Raccoon 100 weekend went. Pam's race didn't go as planned (or hoped for), but that didn't mean the day was wasted - heck, it may even got better! It always does when one gets to share time with all your awesome brothers, sisters, cousins, gets to help, gets to chat, and give lots and lots of hugs. (Pam said when I write a blog post, I just ramble whatever the heck comes to my mind - or, as Liza Howard posted today, "brain vomit", fitting quite nicely).

I am truly inspired by each and every one of my dear friends (and folks I just happen to meet for the first time that weekend), from runners, front, middle and back, to volunteers, photographers, crew members...64 year old Bobby Keogh with some 50+ at the least 100M finishes, Beth Simpson-Hall with her 10th finish at Rocky, an 18 year old Jared for 3rd place and a 17 yo Ford with 10th (and his mom and dad), Neal Gorman coming back from CMV-fighting battle last year, walking 2 hrs, and rallying into 5th place, David Hannenburg from Endurance Buzz twitting for all of 36 hrs, Lynn Ballard and his crew of Damnation, Henry Hobbs marking and organizing, Joe and Joyce Prusaitis who built the Texas chapter of the family, Steve Moore on a humble day and very grateful still - and Jeff Miller on a great day, Nicole Studder with her shy smile for the steady run to the win, and Joe Harris for the Tejas 300 rock, Roy Pirrung for sub-24 at whatever crazy age, and, of course, my husband Larry, who drove Saturday night just to bring me food and to drive me back home...I mean, I don't think I can list all the stories. Whether I run or not, the family is there for me - and so am I for them.

Speaking of running, I put down 8 miles this morning, hells yes! It was a drizzling coldish morning reminding me Portland, and my Garmin died at 2.2M, and I was just turning a bunch of times in a neighborhood without a watch or any knowledge how far I am, but my body was totally in-tune, it knew somehow that I set out for 8 miles, it held on together the whole time, I felt like a runner - and ended up with 8.1M in 1:25, what made it for 10:30 pace, holly cow! The feeling of excitement from a hard-earned run is truly special. Hi, my name is Olga, and I am a runner...yes, so much more, but just as there is no getting away from family, there is no getting away from this - being a runner. This is special. I am a little crippled as the day goes around, but so grateful for all I was able to see and feel - and everyone I was able to meet and befriend.

A few photos from mostly pre-race at Rocky (my camera kind of run low on batteries, and when I am in "action", I rarely take pictures anyway).



ultrarunnergirl said...

I love the exuberance coming through in this post!

Sarah said...

Looks like a great time!

Danni said...

Who would want to!?!?! :-)

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